Pablo Picasso / Two Rare Lithographs after drawings, 2 Rare Invitations on vellum paper with filigran, 70's ем представлен Reforma Gallery

Pablo PICASSO - Two Rare Lithographs after drawings, 2 Rare Invitations on vellum paper with filigran, 70's

ем представлен Reforma Gallery

  • Год
  • Техника
    нет никаких технических
  • Размер изображения
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Размер листа
    20,0 x 30,0 cm / 7.9 x 11.8 in
  • Цена
    по запросу
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Pablo PICASSO - Two Rare Lithographs after drawings, 2 Rare Invitations on vellum paper with filigran, 70's

Picasso 13 rue Ravignan

Deux Rares Invitations sur Papier Verge Filigrane/ Dessins en lithographies Pablo Picasso

Bateau Lavoir
Le berceau de l'art moderne, 1975

Deux feuilles invitation sur Papier vergé filigrané, noir et blanc et noir et rouge, Deux lithographies apres dessins: Picasso 13 rue Ravignan
30 x 20 cm ouverte
Tres bon etat

Picasso 13 rue Ravignan

Pablo Picasso
Two Rare Invitations on Vellum Paper with filogran, Drawings in lithographs
Bateau Lavoir
The cradle of modern art, 1975

Two Rare invitations on vellum paper, one black on white and one black on red, Two lithographs after drawings: Picasso 13 rue Ravignan
30 x 20 cm open
In excellent condition

контакт Reforma Gallery
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