Hermann Nitsch / Das Sechstagespiel des Orgien Mysterien Theaters ем представлен Composition.gallery

Hermann NITSCH - Das Sechstagespiel des Orgien Mysterien Theaters

ем представлен Composition.gallery

  • Год
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  • Размер изображения
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Размер листа
    29,0 x 23,0 cm / 11.4 x 9.1 in
  • Тираж
  • Цена
    по запросу
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Hermann NITSCH - Das Sechstagespiel des Orgien Mysterien Theaters

Unique work (print on hand painted paper) 1 etching in: "Hermann Nitsch - Das Sechstagespiel des Orgien Mysterien Theaters Prinzendorf 3 - 9 August 1998". Etching and vernis mou on handcoloured vélin. Signed and numbered as well as with the printer's dry stamp. - With traces of studio work on verso due to the technique. In good condition. - One of 100 unique copies from the special edition.

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