Artur Liebig.
Acht Lithographien zu dem Roman Der Favorit von Guy de Maupassant.
AN APPARENTLY UNPUBLISHED AND UNRECORDED SET OF EIGHT LARGE FOLIO (42 x 30 cm) PENCIL-SIGNED ORIGINAL LITHOGRAPHS BY ARTUR LIEBIG, based on "Bel Ami" ("Der Favorit", in German) by Maupassant. The lithographs are printed on fine wove paper (pink paper, in one case) and are in perfect condition, housed in the original printed and illustrated paper folder, also signed and dated by the artist. The absence of title-page and a justification / colophon / limitation statement, as well as the impossibility of locating another copy, indicates that this set was likely never published. Exceedingly rare, and possibly unique.