Pablo Picasso / The flute player with fauns, Lithograph on Arches paper ем представлен Reforma Gallery

Pablo PICASSO - The flute player with fauns, Lithograph on Arches paper

ем представлен Reforma Gallery

  • Техника
  • Размер изображения
    0,0 x 0,0 cm / 0.0 x 0.0 in
  • Размер листа
    55,0 x 38,0 cm / 21.7 x 15.0 in
  • Цена
    по запросу
  • Ссылка
    Editions Art et Paix
  • Посещения
  • Состояние
Pablo PICASSO - The flute player with fauns, Lithograph on Arches paper

Pablo Ruiz y PICASSO - The flute player with fauns, Lithograph on Arches paper stamp signed and dated in the stone: 17.11.59.
Copyright : Editions Art et Paix / Succession Picasso
Size: 55 x 38 cm
Framed in very good condition

контакт Reforma Gallery
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